Thursday, May 2, 2019

Yet another cancer blog!

Yes, another cancer blog.

Sometimes reading someone else's story can help if you've just got the news about your cancer - or someone else's. And it often helps the blogger to work out their response to this big change to their otherwise peaceful life, and get certain persistent thoughts and ideas out of their own system and into the ether-verse.

My basic story. I am starting this in 2019 at 68, two and a half years since I was first diagnosed with primary liver cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma, HCC for short.

Since January 2018 I have been posting a short report and photo each fortnight from the intravenous treatment lounge on my Facebook page. This was intended to update friends and family on my immunotherapy treatment. But thoughts kept whirling around in my head at 4am and they were not concise enough for Facebook.

At the moment my plan is to cover these topics. Perhaps I'll think of more before I'm done.

  • Impact of cancer on your life, and those around you
  • Gratitudes - what I am grateful for, yes, grateful. This includes finding my cancer buddy Sam.
  • Big challenges I've encountered: facing death, getting organised for that, finding good health professionals, managing side effects,questions to ask, imperfect answers, emotional roller coasters, balance in your life
  • Pet peeves - avoiding the elephant in the room, the language of cancer

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